Sekilas info tentang Geothermal Energy

Blognya Mba Nenny

Paper Dies Emas ITB Bag.I

Peningkatan Kapasitas Dalam Bidang Panas Bumi
Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Panas Bumi
Di Indonesia Hingga Tahun 2025

Capacity Building in Geothermal for Supporting Geothermal Development in Indonesia
Until the Year 2025

Nenny Miryani Saptadji

Program Studi Magister Akademik Berorientasi Terapan Teknik Panas Bumi FTTM - ITB Bandung, Indonesia,

ABSTRAK: Pengembangan panas bumi di Indonesia masih terkendala oleh berbagai masalah, sehinga menyebabkan target tahun 2008 yang telah ditetapkan dalam Road Map Pengelolaan Energi Nasional 2005-2025 hanya tercapai sekitar 50%, yaitu 1052 MW. Pemerintah telah merevisi target pengembangan panas bumi perioda 2009-2014, namun target 2025 tetap 9500 MW. Dalam rangka mendukung rencana tersebut, beberapa upaya peningkatan kapasitas dilakukan di ITB dengan sasaran menjadikan ITB sebagai sarana peningkatan kompetensi SDM panas bumi. Peningkatan kapasitas dilakukan melalui pendirian Program Studi Magister Akademik Berorientasi Terapan Teknik Panas Bumi, pelatihan, pengembangan data base dan sejumlah perangkat lunak, serta pembuatan Interactive-CD. Untuk merealisasikan rencana Pemerintah, yaitu menjadikan Indonesia sebagai centre of excelence panas bumi di dunia, ITB perlu mengawali langkahnya dengan mendirikan Centre of Geothermal Studies and Research. Mengingat peningkatan kapasitas adalah proses jangka panjang yang berkelanjutan, ITB membutuhkan dukungan nyata dari stakeholders.

Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Kapasitas, Panas Bumi, Program Magister, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Geothermal development in Indonesia has been hindered by various problems, hence caused the total geothermal power plant capacity by the end 2008 only reached 1052 MW, 50% short of the goal set in the Blueprint for National Energy Management of 2005-2025. The Indonesian Government has revised the development target for the periode of 2009-2014, however the goal for the year 2025 remains at 9500 MW. To support this plan, various efforts in capacity building have been made at ITB with a primary goal is to establish ITB as an institution for human resources development, to meet man power needs for supporting geothermal exploration and development in Indonesia. Capacity building activities that have been conducted at ITB includes establishment of Master Degree Program in Geothermal Technology, conducting trainings and seminars, development of a number of data base, softwares and CD-interactive. To support the government plan in establishing Indonesia as a centre of excellence of geothermal in the world, ITB should start with establishment of Centre of Geothermal Studies and Research. As capacity building is a long-term continuing process, ITB needs a continous support from the stake holders.

Keywords: Capacity Building, Geothermal, Master Degree Program, Indonesia


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